Terrorists responsible for murdering Israelis near Kedumim arrested

Terrorists responsible for murdering Israelis near Kedumim arrested


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    On 19 November 2007, an Israeli civilian, Ido Zoldan, was killed in a shooting terror attack near the Israeli community of Kedumim. The next day, in a joint IDF and ISA activity, the forces arrested two suspects in the village of Kadum, near the scene of the terror attack.

    The two terrorists were Jafar Braham, a member of Fatah and a member of the Palestinian national security forces in Ramallah, and Abdullah Braham, both 22 years old and residents of the village of Kadum. The two admitted during questioning that they were responsible for the attack and even handed over the weapons that they used. They also revealed that they had waited at the side of the road for a passing vehicle. When they had identified a passing Israeli vehicle, they gave chase, overtook it and opened fire on it. After the attack they escaped to their village.

    A third terrorist, Fadi Jama'a, who also served in the Palestinian national security forces, was also involved in the terror attack. He was recently arrested by Palestinian security forces.